I want to share a story with you that means a lot to me.
5 years ago I was sitting in my office chair, overweight and unhappy, looking out the window wishing for a better life.
I dreamed of a life of freedom where I felt like I was truly living my purpose and had fun every day. I dreamed of a fit and healthy body that I felt great in and actually got excited every time I put on a bikini. I dreamed of a relationship so deep and full of true authentic love. I dreamed of moving to California and living this fit and fun lifestyle in the sunshine, at the beach every day, with a healthy body and with the love of my life.
Back then I never imagined I would become a model, co-star on national Tv shows and work with actors I grew up watching. All of that was just icing on the cake after I took a leap of faith and started my online nutrition and fitness programs, I moved to California and met the love of my life Josh Tarnofsky.
The turning point for me was hearing someone say "you can do anything you want with enough practice". I realized I wasn't chained to my life. Just because I studied this in college didn't mean I couldn't be exceptional and succeed in something else. Just because I dream of a life I want doesn't mean it has to stay a dream. So I did it and although it's had many challenges, I'll never regret that decision.
So today I want you to remember the words that changed my life, "you can do anything with enough practice". Because you are great and you too can have the life of your dreams.
So how do you start? You take a small baby step forward. I invite you to enroll in my FREE #drop20 training program as a way to get started. It's all about getting you to a place where you create the lifestyle of your dreams and bring more positivity and happiness in, which gets you in the best shape of your life as a bonus. Sign up HERE.
Just know that you're doing really well and anything is possible for you. You are limitless.
5 years ago I was sitting in my office chair, overweight and unhappy, looking out the window wishing for a better life.
I dreamed of a life of freedom where I felt like I was truly living my purpose and had fun every day. I dreamed of a fit and healthy body that I felt great in and actually got excited every time I put on a bikini. I dreamed of a relationship so deep and full of true authentic love. I dreamed of moving to California and living this fit and fun lifestyle in the sunshine, at the beach every day, with a healthy body and with the love of my life.
Back then I never imagined I would become a model, co-star on national Tv shows and work with actors I grew up watching. All of that was just icing on the cake after I took a leap of faith and started my online nutrition and fitness programs, I moved to California and met the love of my life Josh Tarnofsky.
The turning point for me was hearing someone say "you can do anything you want with enough practice". I realized I wasn't chained to my life. Just because I studied this in college didn't mean I couldn't be exceptional and succeed in something else. Just because I dream of a life I want doesn't mean it has to stay a dream. So I did it and although it's had many challenges, I'll never regret that decision.
So today I want you to remember the words that changed my life, "you can do anything with enough practice". Because you are great and you too can have the life of your dreams.
So how do you start? You take a small baby step forward. I invite you to enroll in my FREE #drop20 training program as a way to get started. It's all about getting you to a place where you create the lifestyle of your dreams and bring more positivity and happiness in, which gets you in the best shape of your life as a bonus. Sign up HERE.
Just know that you're doing really well and anything is possible for you. You are limitless.
Read more about the Body Built By Love program.